Monday, March 12, 2012

Squirrel Attitude

Speaking of squirrels, who invented those things anyway? They're useless.

Why do they tear up your grass looking for nothing, then leave holes the size of a Texas ego? Why do they bury the family heirloom and the former's tractor? Is it just so they'll have something to gnaw on next winter? 

Why do they stand on two legs and hold the acorn in two paws and make a mockery of your own manners?

Why do they yell at you for no reason when you go out in your own backyard?

How can they run faster than a cheetah, around and around a tree trunk, making you dizzy and disoriented just watching?

And who do they think they are, sitting on your kitchen windowsill, snickering at you doing dishes?

Hey - they aren't as superior as they like to think they are.

They don't even have bathrooms.

So there.

1 comment:

  1. haha, hilarious post! My favorite squirrel memory is when Dad greased the pole on our bird feeder so they couldn't reach the seed. They kept getting halfway up, then sliding slowly back down.
