Tuesday, March 6, 2012


You wonder sometimes about politicians, don't you? Like what kind of people want to expose their lives, past and present, to the ugly world, or what are they thinking believing that running a town or a country or sitting on a city council is a good idea?

And who wants to beg people to work for them as beggars so they'll beg for money so they can spend it at campaigning, which basically is saying things in a disguised begging way to get them to vote for you?

Lies and truths all are there, shoved at the people in the politicians' words, and who can know who's being honest and who's selling you a pile of...you know.

Are politicians really fools?

Does Mr. Romney believe he can look and act the way he does and still con the people?

Does Mr. Santorum think he can speak about morals and principals in this day and age and not have eighty-year-old women cluck in disgust because the man should really get with the times?

Can Mr. Gingrich stay on his pedestal and still gain the support of women and family men everywhere?

Is Mr. Paul as tired as he looks? Does that not bother him in his run for the Republican leadership?

Where's the common sense in a politician? Do they ever step back long enough to realize that maybe it just isn't a smart way to go? That the really intelligent people are running businesses and not sitting on thrones of boards and egos, and wouldn't ever entertain the thought of being one of "those" in their lifetimes?

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