Friday, March 30, 2012

Long-Ago School Teachers: Discipline

Teachers in the old days had ways and means of dealing with bratty kids.

A talkative kid in the classroom?

1. Shut up
2. Tie up
3. String up

Most teachers didn't opt for number 3 as their first choice, though they wanted to. They'd do anything to save their sanity some days.

A dirty-mouthed kid?

1. A good scrubbing with a dirty bar of used soap.

2.  Duct tape

Duct tape was not invented by Red Green, contrary to popular belief. It was invented by - you guessed it - teachers needing to save their own sanity. A desperate move.

But slap on a good piece of duct tape and bam - no more dirty mouth.

Until you rip that sucker off.

A kid who won't stay in his seat?

1. Tie up
2. String up

Both work well here. Which number the teacher chose depended on whether or not her cat pooped on the bedspread again in the night.

A bully on the playground?

1. Go for the old western trick of hogtying the brat, saddling up your old nag, and taking that bully on a nature tour of a wild cactus field, as seen from the ground up.

Teachers have nothing today to keep their sanity.

They should just remember their grandpappies good old days, and the teacher's they all had way back then.

That would clean up the classroom in a mighty big hurry.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I was going through this list... My face was like:


    Bahaha this just made my internet day :D
