Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cats From Start to Finish: How to Shred Your Arms While Having Fun

You have NO IDEA how sharp a kitten's claws are.

Until you get a kitten.

And play with it.

You never feel a thing.

Until playtime is over.

Then you notice your arms stinging.

The red lines slashing your skin to shreds.

Frantically, you run yourself under a hot water tap, pour on liquid soap, and run water some more.

The pain gets worse as the day goes on, and you swear you'll never play with your kitten again for as long as you live.


You stupidly start adding some new tracks later the same day, when she hauls herself up onto your sofa using those tiny claws like ice picks on a mountain, and off you go again.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

By the time you go to bed, you're in tears over those scratches and the mauling she put you through.

A two ounce furball VS a 125 pound woman? 


Now who's the coward, huh?

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