Monday, February 27, 2012

Energy Gone

Are you tired and listless, worn out and bored? Do you need a push out of that easy chair, a boost off the old sofa? Someone to peel the remote from your hand so you can stagger outside to rake a leaf or teach your kid how to drive?

Vitamins and minerals are talking here. We used to eat for energy and health, stuff like beef and eggs, vegetables and bread. No pill-popping from the pharmacy was necessary. No intravenous liquids called vitamins just so we could stay up at night to watch the full moon or moonlight to fill out the income.

Now we've got lean bodies and grinning faces, holding tiny bottles, dark and mysterious, just begging to be drunk. Instant energy, super energy overloaded with enough vitamins to take you through an entire year in one gulp.

Who can resist that? After all, it isn't food that does you good, right? Your body may think it's craving a big steak and fries, but what it's really telling you is - gimme, gimme, gimme that little shot of liquid in that cute little bottle and I'll reward you for life.

Who knows, that little enticing bottle might even shorten your life. But at least you ought to feel like Tarzan, Superman, and Motherman all rolled into one...for awhile.

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